Thursday, March 20, 2008

From my rainbow colored soap box

Ah—the first day of spring. There is nothing in this world that is better than the first day of spring. Well, I mean, there’s (not in any particular order) hot chocolate…and riding a bike (not at the same time)…sitting in the hot tub…laughing…the feeling of accomplishment…buying a new and fantastic skirt…being in love…the smell of Clorox wipes…digging in the dirt…buying new shoes…smelling flowers…the downhill part of Robie…water skiing…snowboarding…cuddling…an exhilarating song…garden fresh vegetables…okay, I guess there are better things than the first day of Spring, but my point is that it is pretty fabulous. I came to work this morning and realized that today is the first day of spring so I thought I’d update my blog to be a little “springier”. I completely fell in love with my new template. Isn’t it glorious and springy and retro and colorful? Oh, speaking of colorful…insert soap box. Clearing throat…

I have a little…okay, huge infatuation with color. I like all colors…mixed together…a color menagerie or a rainbow of color, if you will, in pretty much all areas of my life. I have a little one man (or one woman) vendetta called “reclaim the rainbow”.
I like to wear rainbows of colors; I like to write with rainbows of colors, I like to look at rainbows of colors. When I decided to actively and blatantly pursue my resolve to wear rainbows, my husband said “you know people are going to think you’re a Lesbian, right?” (Sorry if I wasn’t supposed to capitalize Lesbian—I was trying to be respectful). Anyway, I said that I didn’t care if people thought that and he said he didn’t care either, so I continue to wear rainbows and rainbow colored things and it keeps life pretty interesting.

It is my personal feeling that it is selfish of one particular group of people to claim the rainbow as their symbol. This has nothing to do with my personal feelings about homosexuals. I can think of several other groups of people who also would have upset me if they had taken the rainbow. Cowboys for example—also cheerleaders, scrapbookers, stay at home moms, Republicans, handicapped drivers, professional soccer players, pro wrestlers, the NRA, Type 2 Diabetics, butchers and vegetarians.

Anyway, my new template is quite colorful and fun and I am in love with it, so I decided not to choose the rainbow striped template titled “gay pride”. I’ll leave that for another day when I’m feeling particularly strong about reclaiming the rainbow. I think for today, I’ll just enjoy this first day of spring and walk with a spring in my step, happy to be wearing my rainbow colored mary janes.


Jacci said...

Yeah gay pride......oops...yeah the rainbow!!! How the hell did I get stuck in with Republicans for being stay at home mom!?!? Also I read the cat post and I don't think Eleanor is the cutest child ever but I do think she is the smartest and most beautiful. My only worry about her being 16 is that she already has this compulsion to organize. Which I see what a complete tantrum she can throw at 2 I worry about the storm coming at 16 when something isn't perfect.