Saturday, May 31, 2008

Warm, long days=blog post inactivity

So, I've determined that blogging must be a seasonal illness...much like the flu. I say this because I check several blogs every morning. 1) my brother's, 2) my cousin Hannah's 3) Kerri Morrone Sparling (who I've never met and probably never will meet but she's diabetic and funny and has cats so I enjoy her blog) 4) Matt and Jacci Dare's and 5) my own...just to see if anyone has actually read it. Here's what I've discovered. Once the weather turns nice and people don't have to be locked up inside in the dark all of the time, they actually find other things to do besides write blog posts. This means that I have to find something to do besides read other people's blog posts. So, here's what I've been doing now that the weather is nice and I don't have time to post (oh, and I have a new job where I actually have work to do).
We went on a vacation, went camping, Craig graduated with his MBA and then got a new job (yea!), we planted some flowers (most of which I've managed to kill already because that's what I do), went to the YMCA today where Ali cracked her chin open, went to the ER where the doctor sewed it shut, we've gone mountain biking several times, and we've spent far too much time trying to find this outdoor bed that we saw at Home Depot last year and didn't buy because we didn't have the money and we knew we would be able to find it again this year (not the case). Anyway, it has been a fun Spring so far!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Isn't he hot?!

We discovered last week that Craig's photo is on the homepage for the College of Business and Economics at Boise State. Here you have my very innovative and opportunistic husband and I'm crazy about him!