Friday, May 22, 2009

So competitive.

Craig and I like to play games. I like it when Craig wins. I like it when I win. Craig likes it when I win. He, however, doesn’t care much about winning himself. Additionally, I HATE to win unfairly.

Sometimes Craig will try to give me a sympathy wedge in Trivial Pursuit if I got the question half right, or took two guesses to come up with the correct answer. I’m not really sure why, but I hate doing this. I simply hate to win unless it is 100% valid.

We’ve been playing Skip-Bo frequently lately and I’ve been experiencing quite the winning streak. My great luck had surprised me a little as Skip-Bo is a game of a lot of luck and a little skill and I don’t often excel in the skill area. We finished up a round on Tuesday night and as we were cleaning up the cards, we had this little exchange.

Craig: have you ever noticed how you always draw a bunch of Skip-Bo cards right at the end of the game?

Maryn: Yeah, I guess so, weird, huh?

Craig and Maryn continue to clean up cards.

Maryn: Wait a second, you’ve been cheating, haven’t you? How are you cheating?!

Craig: Well, you don’t really pay attention when I am drawing, so I hoard the Skip-Bo cards and then slip them onto the top of the pile after I draw, so then you draw them on your next turn.

...yep, that's just how sweet he is. Cheater.