Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Words That Should Die

I’ve been working for a while on compiling a list of words (or things that people use as words) that I hate.
Here it is (in no particular order):

URL (not the way you should say this—U-R-L—but the way people have started saying it—pronounced—earl.)
Maverick (Who doesn’t cringe right now when they hear that word?)
Ginourmous (not sure how to spell this, but my spelling can’t be incorrect, because this is not a word!)

There is an explanation behind my distaste for some of these words, but some are inexplicable. My mom has pointed out that by saying I don’t like the word “woot”, it means that I’m old. I disagree, because 1) I’m only 27 and 2) I was young when it was cool to say that something was “da bomb” and I hated that too.

I’m pretty sure that I’d upset at least 77% of the readers of this blog if I went into detail about why I hate the words on this list, so I think I’ll take the high road…just this one time.


The VIPs said...

when my cousin talks about "my hubby" I want to throw up