Friday, February 13, 2009

V-Day (Saying that always makes me think of D-day)

I imagine that it will come as no surprise to anyone reading this that I’m an incredibly private person. That's why I'm so cynical--my cynicism makes it so I never actually have to express my true (and very vulnerable) feelings about anything! This is especially true when it comes to things like publicly expressing my love for my husband. I always see people writing on Facebook or blogs about how amazing their husband is, and I never really write that kind of post. I feel all of the things that these people express (seriously, I am not just saying that—I love my husband way more than any of you love your husbands, he he), but I just don’t like writing about it on the internet.

In light of this and since it is Valentine’s Day, I thought I would post a link to a blog post I read today which made me think of my husband, and it is really sweet. It is by a girl (lady? Woman? Chick?) named Kerri whose blog I read primarily because she also has Type 1 Diabetes but also because I'm convinced that we'd be friends if we didn't live on opposite sides of the country...does that sound creepy?

Craig, my dearest most wonderful amazing incredible husband (I’m totally tearing up right now)—“I’ll always write your name in peanut butter.” (If you are confused, it is because you haven’t read Kerri’s blog post!)