Friday, January 16, 2009

The Gears That Won't Stop Turning

Just a reminder that: if you are actually interested in knowing what goes on in our lives, you can see all of that kind of crap at . I maintain the blog, therefore, I can call it crap. If you want to read about the twisted way in which my mind works, then stay right here. I like to hear what you think about it.

I possess a classic case of what is referred to, at least in highly reliable (ha) magazines as “high trait anxiety”. This means that I worry about everything, am convinced that everything will go wrong, and think somehow my worrying controls my fate and prevents things from going further into the toilet. I’m pretty sure it is genetic (no offence intended to my progenitors). Some people call me pessimistic; I just think I’m a realist. Tomato, tomato (second one pronounced with a soft ‘a’).

It has come to my attention recently that there may be a correlation between how long you think you are going to live and how long you actually live. Huh…so, I guess that means that lying in bed every night worrying about how tonight is the night that I’ll die in my sleep might not be the greatest for my health. I really, really like my life. This fact, along with both my husband and every other medical professional I interact with telling me that I try too hard and over-think things, gave me, for a while, motivation to 1) stop trying and 2) stop thinking. Ha! That plan was entirely counterintuitive to everything that defines me, so I forfeited rather quickly.

I am now working on a more realistic approach, which entails:

1) Think really hard about how to relax (hey, over-thinking things is in my nature).

2) Think about meditating
3) Think about puppies in snow (a guaranteed relaxation technique)
4) Take half a Xanax whenever people who suck or the kids are around.

I like this plan. I’ll keep you posted on my progress (because you care).