Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where's Waldo?

I grew up in a house where we have had only two family pictures taken since I was born and these were only to prove that we were capable of having family pictures taken. I used to ask my mom why she didn't have any wedding photos on their walls or mantel or anything. She would tell me that she didn't see the point--she saw herself and my dad every day. After we moved into our house, Craig said he wanted to put a wedding picture on our mantel. Ooookaaaayyy..sure hun--wedding picture on the mantel. I guess that's a very normal thing to do. I put it up and I leave it there because I love my husband like crazy and it would be a stupid thing to argue about. Long story short, or perhaps short story long...I'm not sure which--I have a somewhat sickened perspective on family pictures.

I believe I mentioned previously that Craig's family had pictures taken a few weeks ago. We got a disc on Sunday containing all of the photos. There were several really good ones but this one is my personal favorite. I'm not even going to say anything about this picture, but I'd love to hear whether any of my readers find it as amusing as I do. I'll give you a couple of hints as to what I'm talking about. 1) the three 20-something aged women are all daughters-in-law 2) notice the lighting...whose faces are lit and whose are...well--as my mom put it "really easy to Photoshop out".

Disclaimer: in writing this post I do not intend to offend anyone--especially not the lovely lady whose name I keep forgetting who took the family pictures. She did a wonderful job and the hilariously ironic lighting of this picture is just the kind of thing that it would be a shame to not laugh at.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I'm strong to the finich 'cause I eat my spinach.

The following photo is, arguably the worst photo ever taken of me. My husband, however, thought it hilarious and it is now the wallpaper on his double monitor computer at work. The true story is that I had two cavities filled this morning and this is my very best mid-anesthesia smile, but I'm also sending it in with my entry to the Popeye impersonator contest.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Part of my job is maintaining the listings purchased by our customers. The salespeople make a habit of "stealing" our customers and essentially doing whatever they can to keep us from making money. It seems to pretty much be the way sales works. I tried to use yesterday and received the following message:

I don't know if you can read the words, but basically it is notifying me that I've done something harmful to Huh. I think this is simply the ultimate in competitive sales. Just block 'em from your website. Either that or someone is trying to sabatoge my job. The second explanation sounds more fun...I think I'll go with that one.